0312 472 08 36 export@medtim.com

Quality Objectives

Quality Objectives of 2019:

• Providing our employees with high level management system training. This is carried out once a year and consists of ISO 13485:2019- Medical Devices
• Responding to customer complaints at a rate of % 95 within a maximum 3 day time frame
• To ensure that we carry out client surveys and data analysis at least once in a year
• To ensure that negative feedback in client surveys does not exceed %5 of the total number of surveys.
• To ensure that the amount of unsuitable product is less than %2 of the total amount of products which are produced during the year.
• To arrange meetings twice a year on Corrective and Preventive actions as a result of external and internal audit
• To arrange motivation meetings twice a year to improve process performance
• To participate in at least two international fairs, congresses, or conferences throughout the year
• To carry out at least one personnel recruitment program per year for the production division

Medtim Grup Medikal Ltd. Şti.